Helsana +

Bonus programme
With the aim of creating a sustainable plus in the lives of existing and potential customers, Helsana has developed the Helsana+ bonus programme. The pivot of this programme is the Helsana+ app.
Helsana Versicherungen

Rewards for healthy activities. 

Through Apple Health and Google Fit, the app allows plus points to be collected with all major health apps. However, users aren’t just rewarded for sporting activities but also for other actions such as memberships in social or preventative associations, precautionary measures and loyalty to Helsana. These can be easily transformed into points by presenting photographic evidence. Above all, Helsana wants to use the app to keep in touch with healthy insured parties who, because they make few claims, have otherwise little contact with Helsana. The healthy lifestyles of the customers are rewarded through the app.

Co-creation with the target group 

The Helsana+ bonus programme and the accompanying app were co-created from the very beginning together with selected target customers and continually optimised towards the needs of the users before the launch. Several hundred Helsana customers were recruited for the beta testing and their feedback was used for the fine tuning and the on-going further development. 

The user interfaces and the ASO materials, too, were developed and continuously optimised in several iterations together with end users. The aesthetics of the pictograms and symbols bring a certain something special to the app and reflect the CI/CD of Helsana in a forward-looking way. The individual animations and the app as a whole were conceived and implemented right down to the last pixel from one mould and with much creativity and passion. 

Project team

Florian Gygax
Florian Gygax
Concept & Design
Our interface expert with a valid sailing permit. If he wasn’t so obsessed with the golden ratio, he’d probably be sailing around the Bermuda Triangle right now. Design projects are in a safe haven here.
Adrian Bader
Adrian Bader
Project Management, RE & Agile Coach
The coolest of dudes, can do everything and can do it all simultaneously. His great-grandfather imported projected management from Japan and schooled him in this old tradition. Of course, he knows the movie “Project-Manager Kid” inside out.
Till Könneker
Till Könneker
Creative Direction | Co-Founder
Has a dreaded eagle eye and watches over the quality of our products. Often indulges in his thoughts and forges plans for how Apps with love can reach the next level without losing a life. Loves cats, kids and liquorice.
Milena Rutz
Milena Rutz
Head of User- and Innovation Research
She uses scientific methods to find the key issues that are all decisive for hit or flop. You’d better listen to her and do exactly what she says: her know-how is worth its weight in gold.
Nick Gerber
Nick Gerber
Concept & Design
He knows every shortcut and every Easteregg, there's not a single software tool that he hasn't already tested and sworn at. The clear winner: Notion. He uses it to work in such a structured way that, in addition to conceptualizing, designing and developing websites, he has time to ask the really important questions in life. For example, who tops the own goal statistics in table soccer.
Matthias Tschanz
Matthias Tschanz
Technical Lead Backend Development
Plant power gives him his calmness, strength and height. As well as many programming languages, he also knows a few very potent magic spells that turn people into animals – so watch out!
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