Baby­sitting SRK

Specialist knowledge on babysitting for young people
The essential facts about babysitting with specialist-approved information, videos, animation, graphics and photos.
Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz

The app teaches young people how to handle babies and small children

You learn the essential facts about babysitting with specialist-approved information, videos, animation, graphics and photos. The “Hüten” (taking care) area of the app provides an overview of your babysitting duties. Fun quizzes on each chapter allow you to test your own knowledge. Parents trust young people who have attended the SRK babysitting course! The course is offered throughout Switzerland. Here, you can apply for a course in your area. 

This app was developed for the babysitting course and is the ideal supplement to the new course documentation. However, it is also made openly available and free of charge by the SRK. 

This is what the app offers 

  • specialist knowledge on babysitting always at hand

  • cool graphics and animations

  • important information concerning the children you are looking after, all in one place

  • organisation of your babysitting dates and appointments

  • your babysitter pass with you at all times

  • a direct link to the course documents

  • the latest information from the SRK 

Sketch from the concept phase

The app is clearly structured and has two main sections: learning and babysitting. You can also make notes and keep a babysitting diary for your little charges.

Collaboration with Pixelfarm 

In order to create fun but also informative graphics and animations that would speak to the young target group, we decided to work together with the illustrators at Pixelfarm. The result is a huge collection of fantastic illustrations that make handling the app and the materials being presented much easier.

The graphics fit well in the app and make using it entertaining as well as providing a fun approach to the content. Especially given the young target group for the app, this helps enormously in teaching the right way to look after small children. 


Vera Schürch
Vera Schürch
Head of Concept & Design
Her eye for space and form turns every project into a delectable piece of eye candy. She’s a master of that old art that has all but disappeared – drawing by hand with an antiquated piece of equipment, the so-called pencil. This tool is moved over the paper and lines appear... It’s crazy!
Fabienne Meister
Fabienne Meister
Quality Management & People Development
Managing projects and solving problems are a piece of cake for her. She can juggle eight burning balls while practicing show jumping on her blind Shetland pony. Easy!
Nick Gerber
Nick Gerber
Concept & Design
He knows every shortcut and every Easteregg, there's not a single software tool that he hasn't already tested and sworn at. The clear winner: Notion. He uses it to work in such a structured way that, in addition to conceptualizing, designing and developing websites, he has time to ask the really important questions in life. For example, who tops the own goal statistics in table soccer.
Raphael Neuenschwander
Raphael Neuenschwander
iOS Development & Solution Architecture
The nicest guy on earth with an accent to die for. If we were childless, we would adopt him. Plus, he’s an absolute professional when it comes to bits & bytes.
Yannick Pulver
Yannick Pulver
Technical Lead Android Development
Our Android dev with style! He could have been the new face of Dior in Paris but instead he was drawn to the mountains, where he observes the beauty and richness of nature.
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